

Brand Strategy, Content Strategy, Product Strategy, UX Writing

Incubated within Exelon’s corporate innovation department, EcoCRED is a startup that helps people build eco-friendly habits and track their impact on the planet. I worked with the founding team to redesign, validate, grow, and monetize the app.

• UX Writing
• Content Strategy
• Brand Strategy
• Product Strategy

UX Writing

UX Writing

Wrote interactive content for the EcoCRED website and app

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Audited the messaging, features, and design of peer products

Push Messaging

Push Messaging

Managed the editorial calendar and created content for daily push messages

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Built the brand messaging, mission statement, voice, and user personas

Product Strategy

Product Strategy

Collaborated with an interdisciplinary team to develop new features

Content Strategy

Content Strategy

Crafted guidelines that unified the messaging across marketing and product content