
West-Eastern Divan Orchestra

Brand Strategy, Content Strategy, Research, UX Writing

The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra bridges people in the Middle East who are divided by fear and violence. Misunderstood by the press and the public, the Divan needed a new brand strategy and site that clarified their ambitious vision: creating an alternative model for coexistence rooted in listening and dialogue. I led the research and brand strategy process, then worked alongside the design and development team to create a digital experience that celebrates diversity, equality, and the resilience of hope.


  • Brand Strategy

  • Content Strategy

  • Research

  • UX Writing

  • Video Editing

  • Sound Design

Created at Simple.Honest.Work.



Led historical research and interviews with Middle East experts, Divan musicians, and Maestro Barenboim

Content Strategy

Content Strategy

Audited existing content, defined key topics, and established site goals

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Developed the brand voice, messaging architecture, and mood boards

UX Writing

UX Writing

Wrote the long-form homepage narrative that carefully traces the orchestra’s history and clarifies its nuanced vision