

Brand Strategy, Content Strategy, Naming, Product Strategy, Social Media

Somn is a sleep platform designed to help individuals understand and elevate their sleep through forward-thinking tools, resources, and products. I joined the startup while it was incubated at Johnson & Johnson and remained a leading team member as Somn spun out to become an independent company.


  • Naming

  • Brand Strategy

  • UX Writing

  • Content Strategy

  • Product Strategy

  • Social Media

  • Blog Management



Created a meaningful, memorable brand name based on the Latin word for "sleep”

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Developed the brand’s positioning, vision statement, voice, and messaging architecture

Content Strategy

Content Strategy

Built the information architecture and content outline for

UX Writing

UX Writing

Wrote copy for the entire site experience

Content Management

Content Management

Managed a team of content creators and collaborated with our growth marketer to build the company blog

Product Strategy

Product Strategy

Ideated, researched, and developed new services and products

Design Research

Design Research

Analyzed peers and competitors